Alright, here we go. The holidays are over, the suitcases have been unpacked (well, maybe just one), and the tan is the only thing left from your vacation. It’s time to head back to the office. But don’t panic, it doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience!
Before you start dreading the return, here are 5 tips to help you get back on track with style, a bit of humor, and, of course, some tricks to make it all more BEARABLE.
1. Adjustable desk: The coffee is waiting, and you’re already up!
After weeks of total freedom (read: beach, ice cream, gin tonic), returning to a sedentary routine can feel like medieval torture. Enter the Clara adjustable desk! With a simple move, you can switch from sitting to standing, and maybe even throw in a yoga pose to impress your colleagues.
To prevent your workspace from looking like a wild rodent’s nest, add the Clara cable organizer to keep all your cables in order. Sure, your desk may not be as stunning as a Mykonos beach, but it’s better to work on an organized desk, right?
Tip for getting back on track: The control panel of the Clara adjustable desk allows you to set a personalized alarm to remind you to do a “coffee break dance” whenever you need it. Stand up, stretch, take a walk around the office. The looks from your colleagues? Just envy for your Clara desk, I assure you.

2. Floating desks: Small space, big genius
If your home office looks more like a closet with ambitions, then a floating desk is what you need.
Imagine: all the charm of an elegant and functional workspace without stealing space from your never-used gym equipment or your plant collection that probably needs watering. Perfect for those who love working in an organized environment, even when the only thing you really want to do is go back on vacation.
Tip for getting back on track: Decorate the wall above your desk with vacation photos, maybe placed on our shelves. When deadlines start closing in, you can always glance at them and daydream… but only for a few seconds, because the work is piling up, right?

3. Office cabinets: Hide it all and pretend nothing happened
Let’s admit it, organization has never been your strong suit. But you bought the Mobili Fiver office cabinets anyway to furnish your office with a A M A Z I N G design.
With or without doors, these little design miracles let you hide everything you don’t want to show: from the pile of documents that’s been staring at you for 4 months, to your secret snacks.
And the best part? It’s like sweeping problems under the rug, but way cooler.
Tip for getting back on track: Dedicate a cabinet to everything that makes you happy: chocolate, coffee, Chicken McNuggets, or even a small trophy for surviving the return. Open it every now and then and enjoy the moment. You’re a hero, you deserve it.

4. Office bookshelf: Show off your cultured side
Did you read any books during your holidays? Great, it’s time to show them off (even if you didn’t finish them, it still looks cool). An office bookshelf is the perfect accessory to keep both your documents and favorite books organized, making you look incredibly cultured. And if you’re not in the mood to read, well, at least it’ll look like you are!
Tip for getting back on track: Add some BIG titles to your bookshelf like “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” “War and Peace,” “Pride and Prejudice.” Maybe you didn’t read them on the beach, but your colleagues don’t know that 😉

5. Office drawer unit: Where order meets chaos (and chaos wins)
Let’s be honest, the Clara drawer unit is the last frontier between you and absolute chaos.
Want to look organized? Perfect, just shove everything in there and close the drawers with a big smile. Who would ever suspect that so many things are hidden inside such a compact and space-saving drawer unit? The drawer unit is your ace in the hole, the perfect hiding place for everything you don’t know where to put, but don’t have the heart to throw away.
The Clara drawer unit has 4 locking casters: fill it with problems and drag it wherever you go! Yes, your problems will follow you, but at least you won’t have to work hard!
Tip for getting back on track: Assign each drawer a secret mission: the “emergency” drawer for forbidden snacks, the “important documents” drawer that you’ll never look at again, and the “out of sight, out of mind” drawer for everything you prefer to forget.

Oh, and if you’re looking for more ideas to furnish your office, check out our dedicated article here.